A Skincare Routine for Every Skin Type, For Every Season

Your skin’s health greatly depends on how you treat your skin all year round.

Maintaining a good skincare routine is essential in keeping your skin glowing and young-looking even through changing seasons.

Here’s a detailed guide for the best skincare routine to withstand any weather.

Dry Skin

Dry skin, or xeroderma, occurs during dry and cold weather or when your skin is exposed to the sun and harmful chemicals. 

Once your skin starts to get flaky, it indicates that you have dry skin. Dryness means your skin is dehydrated and prone to redness and creases. Wrinkles also begin to appear dominantly around your eyes. The best solution for dry skin is hydration with the help of products that give the proper moisture.

Skin routine for dry skin

  • Cleanser. Start with a gel-based or cream cleanser that has moisturizing properties. Using a cleanser during the morning and night removes the dirt accumulating on your skin.

  • Serum. A few drops of serum boost hydration in the skin.

  • Eye cream. Apply an eye cream to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the area. 

  • Moisturizer. Apply moisturizer in the morning and evening to boost the skin’s elasticity and reduce flakiness.

  • SPF. Use sunscreen to cover your skin from harmful UV rays, which can make your skin drier. 

Tips for dry skin

  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated after a long day outdoors.

  • Use a humidifier. Keep moisture in the air with a humidifier.

  • Choose skin-friendly fabric. Use cotton, linen, silk, cashmere, and other soft fabric as clothing. Dry skin can get irritated with rough textiles. 


Oily Skin

Oily skin is associated with a shiny and sticky surface caused by clogged pores. The oil in the skin is from excess sebum, which results from over-acting hormones in the body. People with oily faces are prone to develop acne, breakouts, and skin inflammation. 

Skin routine for oily skin

  • Cleanser. Pick a cleanser with salicylic acid or glycolic acid as the main ingredients. These acids aim to reduce excess sebum, resulting in minimized pores. 

  • Serum. Oil-based serum helps to balance the skin’s pH levels. Choose a serum that is non-greasy and lightweight. 

  • Eye Cream. Use a gel-based cream to keep your under-eye smooth and shine-free while reducing dark spots. 

  • Moisturizer. A moisturizer is still a must if you have oily skin. People with oily skin also have dry portions on the face, which need moisture. Choose a product that is oil-free and non-greasy. 

  • SPF. Pick a lightweight sunscreen that also works as a mattifying cream. 


Tips for oily skin

  • Use a toner. A toner helps in removing deep-seated dirt in the face while minimizing your pores. Choose alcohol-free toner that will not harm your skin. Toners with natural ingredients such as witch hazel work wonders without irritating the surface.

  • Facial masks. Use facial masks with safe ingredients such as clay, honey, and oatmeal. These have antibacterial and antiseptic properties that cleanse and hydrate your skin.

  • Don’t pick blemishes. Since oily skins are more prone to acne, blackheads, and pimples, reduce the urge to pick them. This habit may result in skin inflammation and facial redness. 

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin refers to a delicate surface with more refined pores and is usually associated with skin disorders. If you have skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and allergic contact dermatitis, your skin is much more sensitive and prone to inflammation and flare-up. 

Products with harsh chemicals may trigger swelling on sensitive skin. It is crucial to apply mild effects only to minimize the possibility of inflammation and irritation. 

Skin routine for sensitive skin

  • Cleanser. Remove dirt and bacteria by using gentle cleaners. Mild products with no fragrances and harmful acids do not strip off the skin’s natural properties, leaving your skin in good condition. 

  • Serum. Apply serum that moisturizes and hydrates the skin. Paraben-free and alcohol-free serums can also reduce dry spots and inflammation while improving your skin’s plumpness.

  • Eye Cream. One of the most sensitive parts of the face is the skin around your eyes. It can be dry and sensitive due to exposure to sunlight and harmful chemicals. Try an eye cream that is hypoallergenic and contains ingredients from natural sources to relieve sensitivity. 

  • Moisturizer. Apply a moisturizer that contains natural ingredients such as aloe vera, shea butter, and coconut oil. These natural ingredients help hydrate the skin while alleviating allergic reactions and redness.

  • SPF. Like other skin types, a good sunscreen with at least SPF 30 protects your skin from glaring outdoor heat. It also soothes the skin from potential swelling. 

Tips for sensitive skin

  • Pat dry with a towel. Instead of rubbing your face directly after cleansing, gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel before applying other products. 

  • Use fragrance-free detergent. Consider using products with no fragrances to minimize skin irritation when washing your clothes.

  • Skin test. Before applying any skin product, conduct a skin test to determine how your skin will react to its chemicals. 

Combination Skin

Combination skin is a mix of dry and oily skin, making it a challenging type to deal with. Dry skin is present mainly in the cheeks, and the T-zone or the forehead, chin, and nose are usually oily. 

If you have this skin type, finding the best products for you is quite a challenge. You are more likely to experience acne and pimples while dealing with dry and flaky portions. 

Skin routine for combination skin

  • Cleanser. Choose only gentle products and set aside those with salicylic acid, which can dry out your skin. 

  • Serum. Drop a few serums onto your face to keep the skin bright and plump. Serums with hyaluronic acid can turn your dull skin into a more glowing look. 

  • Eye Cream. Massage an eye cream into your under-eye to eliminate puffiness and dark circles. 

  • Moisturizer. Find a gel-based formula that balances your skin’s pH level, making it hydration and shine-free. 

  • SPF. Put a lightweight formula that hydrates and reduces the shiny appearance of your face while protecting you from the sun’s harmful rays. 

Tips for combination skin

  • Use blotting sheets. Blotting papers can reduce the amount of sebum in your T-zone and leave it shine-free.

  • Avoid touching the face. Stop touching your face, especially if your hands are not clean. Don’t rub your eyes or nose; it only adds dirt to your face. Use a soft tissue or towel when you need to wipe your face.

  • Exfoliate. Remove dead skin cells in the face with exfoliating products. Use only those that also work as a moisturizer.

A good skincare routine is essential to great-looking skin.

Before trying out these routines and products, you can seek a consultation with your dermatologist first. A skin specialist knows what’s best for your skin, especially if your skin type also comes with other skin conditions that may need further treatment and management.

The health of your skin is not just about what you apply on the surface. It also involves lifestyle choices that affect your overall health and wellness.