SHEA WHAT?! Benefits of Shea Butter

It’s time to sas-SHEA into moisturized and supple skin with the power of shea butter, a must-have staple for the summer and beyond. While having several properties that assist with the skin, it can also be used for the hair. What’s better than a product that can be used head to toe, for various types of skin, AND can even be used on babies and men? These features are great boasting material, so let’s get into why shea butter should be in your heart and home.

We have the nuts of the shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) from West Africa to thank for this natural treasure.

The nuts are crushed and boiled to where a light-colored fat is extracted and produces this skin and hair superfood that is naturally rich in Vitamins A, E, and F.  Vitamins A and E, with all their health properties for the skin, also provide a mild sun protection factor (SPF). Vitamin E is also great for moisturizing and hydrating dry skin and improving elasticity, which aids in aging. Vitamin F comes into play as a protective barrier while soothing dry and damaged skin and hair.  

The more raw the shea butter, the better the properties so be cognizant of this when purchasing.

There are some great brands found in many local health food stores. It can also be purchased online but this is a product best purchased in-person. Look for a brand that is raw and unrefined, unbleached, organic, and Grade A (it can be categorized in Grades A-F). It’s stored at room temperature to prevent liquifying and is very smooth in texture, so it basically melts into the skin and scalp.

So we’ve already covered that it’s a great moisturizer, especially for those that suffer from eczema and psoriasis. This can also be said for men (and women) after shaving to reduce razor bumps and irritation or even for babies dealing with diaper rash. Speaking of babies, it’s also been known to help with stretch marks on pregnant women (emphasis on help because genetics can be a hindrance).  

When using it on the hair, rub into the scalp for relief from dryness and dandruff. This also brings luster back to dry and damaged hair. It’s safe to use on the face to help reduce acne and scarring because it won’t clog the pores. Shea butter’s anti-inflammatory properties assist with joint pain, arthritis, rheumatism, and other ailments dealing with muscular pain. Some have even used this magical butter internally to help with digestion in regards to diarrhea and even to lower cholesterol.

Shea butter is its own superhero team, so add it to your routine to keep your skin ready for anything! Take a look-see at our Lavender Bliss Body Butter, Original (Unscented) Body Butter, and For Men Only Body Butter, which all contain shea butter. We got you covered with products for the entire family, so treat yourself to a Flora’s Angels package today!