Benefits of Geranium Essential Oil

Benefits of Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium oil is a natural oil extracted from geranium flowers and other scented plants. Geranium oil has a long history of use in various health products and as a perfume ingredient. The use of geranium oil has increased recently due to research that found it to exhibit anti-cancer properties. The pleasant, floral odor of geranium oil makes it a popular perfume and body care ingredient.

Did you know that geranium oil is not just used in smelling good? It is also great for your body. Here are the best benefits of geranium oil and why you should keep it as a skincare essential.

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Better Skincare with Self-Care!

Better Skincare with Self-Care!

The purpose of Flora’s Angels is not only to sell you body butter and scrubs. Our mission is help create a better version of you through better skincare regimens, products and overall lifestyle habits. To be honest, you can purchase the best skincare products in the world, but if you don’t create better lifestyle habits, your skin will not be its best. As modern-day, on-the-go females, proper self-care is a necessity to get through the day, but also to prevent the stressors of life from having an effect on your skin.

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