The Importance of SPF ( Sun Protection Factor )

If you’re anything like us, you’re shaving those legs, switching out your skincare products, and getting ready to GLOW this Summer. One thing that you canNOT forget while you’re basking in the sun is your sunscreen, Sis! Here’s why…

Why is SPF important?

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) indicates how well sunscreen protects skin against Sunburn and helps decrease the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Our skin is prone to the sun's rays, leading to skin cancer, rashes, discoloration, and wrinkles. However, wearing sunscreen on your face helps keep your complexion, primarily to prevent skin diseases.

SPF is suitable for all skin types because even if you have a darker skin tone, you are not safe from ultraviolet rays.

Even if you have a darker skin tone, you are not safe from ultraviolet rays!

Quick Tip: Did you know that we need to use sunscreen protection even on cloudy days?

Even if the cloud covers the sun, it’s a 15 - 45% apparent effect on UV radiation. According to the American Academy of a dermatologist, 80% of the sun's rays still make it to the ground on a cloudy day, so it’s clear that your skin is still not safe.

Benefits of using SPF.

  • Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer – Using sunscreen can reduce the development of squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma ( the deadliest skin cancer). We know it’s summer, and you want to wear bright colors, but wearing dark clothing and sunglasses reduces sun exposure's harmful effects too.

  • Avoid Blotchy Skin & Hyperpigmentation - Blotchy skin or dark spots may spring upon any parts of our body (face, hands, and other factors exposed to the sun.) It can be hereditary, but it can also be caused by sun exposure. Sunscreen prevents hyperpigmentation and also reduces the chances of your current dark spots getting darker.

  • Avoid Inflammation & Redness - The ultraviolet rays from the sun damage the skin. More exposure to your body directly to the sun can affect the area of inflammation or redness. Severe skin reddening and inflammation result from exposure to too much in the sun. Sunscreen can keep your skin hydrated by acting as a barrier between water and your skin cells.

  • Protect Against Sunburn - sunlight consists of two types of harmful rays, UVA and UVB. Ultraviolet rays are mainly linked to long-term skin damage like the formation of wrinkles and are also associated with some skin cancers. Both types of radiation can lead to premature aging and wrinkles, so it's important to protect yourself from them with sunscreen!

SPF 30 or above is best suited for your skin, as it offers protection for an extended period, and as the SPF value increases, sunburn protection increases.

Good skin is the result of a healthy lifestyle, but it can be hard to remember all the factors involved. Sunscreen is one way to ensure that you're using everything you can to maintain healthy skin. If you're ever worried about your skin, or want to avoid looking older than you are, check out your nearest drugstore and pick up a bottle of sunscreen. It's definitely not something that you want to be without.

"It is the beauty inside and out, and you are worth everything. You are worth glowing even in the darkest times. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!"